We are Sri Lanka’s largest network of angel investors.


Lankan Angel Network is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs and building a viable start-up ecosystem. Founded in 2012 as a private network of angel investors, backed by an investor base of 75+ rolling members with over LKR 700 million invested by angels in local start-ups and 20+ companies supported through finance and knowledge. We are a key player in the Sri Lankan start-up ecosystem.

We have dual roles to play, to provide a new class of investment opportunity to our members and to provide the necessary seed funding for budding entrepreneurs, which makes our mission both philanthropic and opportunistic.

Why Lankan Angel Network?

LAN is a group of investors who have a passion for promoting entrepreneurship. LAN comprises of individual investors, venture capitalist, and angel investors. First of its kind in Sri Lanka, LAN was officially launched with the purpose of bringing together the Sri Lankan investor and mentor community and to scale the startup ecosystem.

Our Board of Directors

Meet Our Patrons

Meet Our Team

Meet Our Angels

Join us today to make startup dreams come true.
Contact us at info@lankanangelnetwork.com